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40 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms

Week 1

  • You do not feel any different symptoms. 

  • You may feel the usual menstrual cycle symptoms like cramps, lower back pain, mood swings, bloating, headache, etc. 



Pregnancy Symptoms Week 1: Early and First Week Symptoms & Signs of Pregnancy

Before Missing Period – PregaJunction

Week 2

  • Signs of ovulation→

    • Might see white-colored discharge. This is the cervical mucus that acts as a lubricant to facilitate sperm transportation to the egg.

    • Changes in Basal Body Temperature (BBT).

    • May have other ovulation symptoms such as sore breasts, and bloating.



Ovulation Symptoms: What to Expect, Timing, and Tracking (

Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Charting

Week 3

  • At this stage, you have not missed your period yet, so you cannot experience any symptoms.

  • It is a very early stage of pregnancy.



Pregnancy Week by Week - Weeks 1-4 (

Week 4

  • Light spotting occurs when the embryo implants itself into the uterus lining.

  • The placenta and the amniotic cavity are forming in the uterus.

  • High levels of hCG (will show positive on a pregnancy test).

  • During the whole 1st trimester, you may experience symptoms including tender or swollen breasts,  morning sickness, fatigue, nausea, a heightened sense of smell,  needing to pee frequently, vaginal discharge, dark patches on the skin, bloating, improved hair, etc.



Pregnancy Week by Week - Weeks 1-4 (

4 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life (

Week 5

  • This is the week most women discover that they are pregnant due to a missed period.

  • The blastocyst produces hCG (detected by pregnancy tests). This increased production of the hCG hormone triggers higher levels of estrogen and progesterone. production. The increased levels of these hormones prevent the menstrual cycle (missed period).

  • May experience food cravings.



Fetal development: The 1st trimester - Mayo Clinic

5 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life (

Week 6

  • Possible weight changes.

  • May have some changes in the body such as fuller breasts (Preparing for lactation).

  • Increased size of the uterus to support the growth of the embryo.

  • Frequent urination because of the increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Another reason is that the growing uterus starts to push down on the bladder and cut the room for urine.

  • Kidneys are more efficient in clearing your body’s waste.



Your Pregnancy Week by Week: Weeks 5-8 (

6 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 7

  • Increased pregnancy hormones can cause changes in skin conditions (eg: acne).

  • The body pumps more blood (volume will increase by up to 50%) in order to provide oxygen and nutrients to the growing embryo. 

  • Continued symptoms from previous weeks. 



7 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More (

7 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life (

Your pregnancy: 7 weeks (

Week 8

  • May begin to experience more fatigue.

  • Frequent need to pee as the womb continues to expand in order to facilitate the embryo’s growth, and this can possibly affect your sleep.

  • Breasts are growing to prepare for lactation.

  • May experience heartburn, and this symptom is common in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.



8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development (

Week 9

  • HCG is close to or at peak. 

  • Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone help increase blood flow to the baby in the womb (This may cause mood swings).

  • Increased food cravings and aversions to certain foods. 

  • Constipation and bloating– hormones slow down digestion to increase the absorption of nutrients necessary for baby development.

  • Waistline may increase, and your nipples may appear to be darker.



9 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly, Baby Development & Tips (

9 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life (

Week 10

  • The mother’s lungs adapt to breathe in more air in order to accommodate the increased demand in oxygen (for the baby’s development).

  • May see veins becoming more apparent in your body. The veins expand to provide more blood flow to the baby.

  • May experience swollen or bleeding gums.

  • Morning sickness, lethargy, constant need to urinate, mild body aches, and constipation due to hormonal changes.

  • May experience breathlessness due to increased oxygen demand.



10 Weeks Pregnant: Week by Week Pregnancy | Mom365

Week 11

  • May notice increased vaginal discharge.

  • More breast growth is expected.

  • Linea nigra (pregnancy line) may begin to appear. It is a dark line that stretches vertically across your belly. This line appears due to hormonal changes happening in your body.

  • May experience leg cramps, exhaustion, and mood swings along with morning sickness.



11 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development | Pampers

Week 12

  • The end of the 1st trimester.

  • Will most likely begin to feel better (reduced morning sickness and fatigue).

  • May notice nosebleeds due to intense hormonal changes.

  • Uterus is continuously growing and your doctor can feel it in your lower abdomen.



12 weeks pregnant: baby's development, scans and telling people about your pregnancy | Tommy's (

Week 13

  • Uterus expansion.

  • The uterus changes its position in order to be above the pelvis.

  • Stretch marks may be appearing.

  • Start to feel much less tired.

  • Weight gain is expected to be approximately 0.5 pound a week.

  • Week 11-14 is the time you can have an ultrasound to check your due date.

  • Your 2nd trimester symptoms may include swollen and bleeding gums, pains on the side of your belly, bloating, improved hair, constipation, headaches, indigestion, feeling hot, dizziness, urine infections, etc.



Pregnancy: 13 - 16 weeks (

13 Weeks Pregnant | American Pregnancy Association

13 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life

Week 14

  • Placenta is able to support the baby fully and provide it with nutrients.

  • The pregnancy will become more prominent with the growing belly.

  • The continuous growth of the uterus might press the bladder resulting in the frequent use of the toilet.

  • Early pregnancy symptoms are disappearing because the placenta takes over to produce hormones.

  • Your skin may glow (pregnancy glow) during the second trimester due to fluctuations in hormones and blood flow.



Pregnancy: 13 - 16 weeks (

14 Weeks Pregnant: Week by Week Pregnancy - Mom365

Pregnancy Glow: Real or Myth? Why It Happens and When It Starts

Week 15

  • Might experience regular mood swings.

  • You will possibly find it sometimes hard to concentrate, and you might be very forgetful.

  • More vaginal discharge ( leucorrhoea) because more blood is moving around the pelvic area.



Week 15 (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

15 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life

Week 16

  • Placenta keeps growing in accordance with the baby’s growth.

  • A possible increase in sex drive.

  • Pregnancy can start to be noticed as a small bump in the abdomen.

  • Mom may feel the baby’s first light movements.

  • The uterus can be felt below the belly button.

  • A small percentage of pregnant women may continue experiencing morning sickness.

  • The levels of hCG hormone have decreased dramatically while estrogen and progesterone are constantly increasing.



Pregnancy: 13 - 16 weeks (

16 Weeks Pregnant: Week by Week Pregnancy - Mom365

Week 17

  • Tummy gets bigger and might feel itchy.

  • The size of your breast changes and gets bigger as your hormones and glands are getting ready for milk production.

  • The placenta continues to grow to provide nutrients and oxygen to the baby.

  • Feet may have become bigger because of weight gain and swelling (edema).

  • May experience lower back pain, etc.



pregnancy book complete march 2019.pdf (

17 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development | Pampers

Week 18

  • The feeling of dizziness and faintness as your heart is working up to 50% harder than before the pregnancy.

  • Pelvic aches as a result of pregnancy hormones that cause the ligaments and joints around the pelvis to relax.

  • You may have low blood pressure, as your cardiovascular system is affected.



healthy-pregnancy-guide.pdf (

Your Pregnancy Week 18 | What's happening this week? (

Pregnancy Week 18.

Week 19

  • You may feel the fluttering movements of the baby between week 16 and week 20.

  • Round ligament pain is common. It is a sharp pain in the abdomen or hip area that is on one side or both sides.



Pregnancy The Three Trimesters | UCSF Health

Pregnancy Week 19

Week 20

  • You may have the second trimester ultrasound scan between week 18 and week 22. 

  • A sonographer may check the position of the placenta, the baby’s body for situations such as spina bifida and cleft lip, based on your ultrasound scan.

  • The baby’s gender might be determined on ultrasound.

  • Halfway to the due date.

  • Increased sense of the reality of the pregnancy.



20 weeks pregnant: fetal development - BabyCenter Canada

Your second trimester guide | UNICEF Parenting

Anomaly scan 20 weeks - BabyCentre UK.

Week 21

  • Change in the center of gravity of your body due to the enlargement of your uterus.

  • Stretch marks may appear all over your body including your stomach, hips, thighs, and breasts. They will fade to a less prominent pattern after delivery.

  • Rapid weight gain can also lead to stretch marks, and this is another reason to add your weights slowly.



21 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development | Pampers CA

21 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs​

21 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 22

  • Your kidney will work harder by processing the baby’s waste products as well as yours.

  • Your uterus is around one inch above the belly button.

  • Apart from pregnancy swelling, the pregnancy hormone relaxin will also contribute to the increased size of your feet.



22 weeks pregnant: fetal development - BabyCenter Canada

22 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 23

  • You may start to be able to see the baby’s movements on the surface of the tummy in the following weeks.

  • It is the perfect time to talk to your yet-to-be-born baby as well as share with them your favorite music.

  • You may have trouble sleeping due to the size of your belly and  2nd-semester symptoms such as heartburn and leg cramps.



23 weeks pregnant: fetal development - BabyCenter Canada

Week 23 (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

Week 24

  • At this stage, you may have gained about 4.5kg - 7 kg (10- 15 pounds).

  • Your belly size depends largely on your weight before pregnancy, height, body type and whether this is a first pregnancy.

  • Many pregnant women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy because of the increased pressure on the blood vessels surrounding the anus area.

  • Changes in circulation may make you feel light-headed as well.



24 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development | Pampers CA

24 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, Baby Development

Week 25

  • Some pregnant women may finally begin to feel baby kicks this week.

  • You may start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, nasal congestion, vision changes or an itchy rash.

  • Braxton Hicks contractions (also called pre-labor or false labor contractions) are periodic and painless contractions that happen every 10 to 20 minutes. They start from the first semester but are usually felt by the mom in the second or third trimester.



25 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms, and More

 What Are Braxton Hicks Contractions?

Week 26

  • The baby’s outline can be felt through the stomach.

  • Your belly button might have changed from an innie to an outie.

  • A glucose screening can be done to check for gestational diabetes between week 24 and week 26.



​BBC-7th-edition-FINAL-Nov2019.pdf (

Week 27

  • The last week of the second trimester.

  • Your body keeps nourishing and protecting the baby.

  • You can still experience aches and pains due to leg cramps. This is because your baby’s weight strains your veins and muscles.

  • You may experience shortness of breath because the growing uterus press your diaphragm.



Your Pregnancy Week 27 | What's happening this week? (

Week 28

  • You may continuously experience symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, swollen ankles, back aches and shortness of breath.

  • Loosened joints and ligaments.

  • May experience nosebleeds due to hormonal changes.



28 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy | Start for Life (

Week 29

  • Varicose veins and protruding veins due to high levels of blood transportation. 

  • You may experience Braxton-Hicks contractions. These are false labor contractions. They are different from actual labor contractions as they are infrequent and differ in intensity.

  • The skin may feel itchy due to mass stretching. 

  • Leaking urine when you laugh, sneeze, and cough because of the extra pressure on your bladder.

  • Sciatic nerve pressure due to the uterus’ strain on two sciatic nerves.



29 Weeks Pregnant: Week by Week Pregnancy | Mom365

Week 30

  • You may feel tired again due to the growing belly and its impact on your sleep.

  • You may not find a comfortable position to sleep or you may constantly wake up to urinate.

  • Back pain due to increased weight in one area.

  • Mood swings due to increased anxiety about the baby's arrival.



30 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More (

Week 31

  • Your navel finally sticks out due to the expanding uterus if it hasn’t happened in the previous weeks.

  • Continued symptoms from previous weeks.

  • Heart palpitations are common in late pregnancy.



31 weeks pregnant | Symptoms, tips and more (

31 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 32

  • Braxton Hicks contractions-these irregular contractions will stop if you change position.

  • Leaky breasts: the yellowish liquid leaked out of your breasts in the third trimester is called colostrum. It is full of protein and antibodies and is the first milk your baby will enjoy.

  • Continued symptoms from previous weeks such as shortness of breath.

  • Your healthcare provider may give you an STD test.

  • Weight gain.



32 Weeks Pregnant | Guide to Being 32 Weeks Pregnant – Happiest Baby

32 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 33

  • The heart pumps faster for increased blood supply (blood increases by more than 40%)

  • Therefore, you may notice that your heart is beating faster or skipping a beat.

  • Continued symptoms of backache, swelling, false contractions, and shortness of breath.

  • You may still find it difficult to sleep.



​33 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, and More (

Week 34

  • Changes in your vision.

    • Can experience blurry vision and dry eyes due to changing hormone levels.

  • Some pregnant women may suffer from depression during pregnancy.

  • You may get gassier as labor day draws near.



34 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs | Week by Week (

Week 35

  • Increased pressure on the pelvis leads to urine leaking with simple actions such as laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

  • Have other symptoms like swelling, body aches.

  • Swelling happens because of several reasons. Primarily, a pregnant woman's body retains more fluid. Furthermore, your veins are strained by the growing uterus, which subsequently weakens the blood flow back to your heart and that leads to swelling. Changes in hormones also bring about swelling.



35 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development | Pampers CA

Week 36

  • Keep track of the baby’s movements. Ideally, the baby should move up to 10 times over the span of 2 hours (10 in 2).

  • You will have extra joint flexibility and more pelvic pain.  You might feel painful to walk around due to the baby’s head being nestled deeper into your pelvis and the heavier uterus.

  • The pressure of the uterus on your diaphragm is reduced if the baby descends into the pelvis. You may urinate more often.

  • Your cervix is sensitive and the vaginal discharge may become pinkish, brownish or red after a vaginal exam.

  • Swelling might be detected on your face, hands and fingers too.



36 weeks pregnant: What happens and timeline (

36 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Week 37

  • Continued pelvic pains.

  • You can find it hard to move around due to unequal weight distribution.

  • You might experience diarrhea as your body is preparing for the baby’s arrival.

  • You may start nesting, which is arranging the house for the arrival of your baby, specifically around week 37 or 38, although it can begin any time during the pregnancy.

  • Some women may experience nausea this week, which could be a sign of upcoming labor.

  • Snoring may be common at the end of pregnancy because hormones lead to changes in breathing.

  • In preparation for birth, the cervix softens and causes slight discharge.



What to Expect at 37 Weeks Pregnant - Third Trimester Information (

37 Weeks Pregnant: Week by Week Pregnancy | Mom365

Nesting During Pregnancy: What It Is and When It Starts

Week 38

  • Your body is preparing for the big day.

  • You may have more vaginal discharge or you may lose your mucus plug when your cervix is starting to dilate. Mucus plug is a collection of mucus in the cervical canal to protect your uterus from bacteria and infection throughout your pregnancy.

  • The mucus plug dislodges days or weeks before the labor.

  • Colostrum may leak from your nipples. This is breast milk being produced in anticipation of your baby’s arrival. 

  • You may visit the washroom more frequently.



Tommy's38 weeks pregnant: baby's development, leaking nipples and staying active (

38 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

Mucus Plug: What It Is, Looks Like & Means

Week 39

  • False contractions may become more painful and quite similar to actual contractions.

  • Body pains.

  • The cervix softens and the pressure from your baby’s head aids this process as well.

  • Diarrhea-your body will do a lot of stretching to prepare for the labor, which affects your digestive muscles.

  • Trouble sleeping, fatigue, reduced appetite. 

  • Water breaking. If the water is clear, in large amounts or keeps getting out even after you’ve lain down, and if your underwear is soaking wet, it’s probably amniotic fluid.



Week 39 (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

39 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Labor Signs, and More (

39 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Labor Signs, and More

Week 40

  • Will give birth anytime now.

  • May begin to experience early labor symptoms.

  • You may feel a little lighter as the baby drops further into the pelvis.

  • Your cervix becomes thin and soft. It shortens if it’s a vaginal delivery.

  • Your cervix begins to open and eventually it’s dilated completely.

  • Active labor lasts for several hours and even longer. The stronger signs include water breaking, frequent and strong contractions, and leg cramps, etc.



Signs of Labor: Signs & Symptoms Labor Is Near | Pampers

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